
Adenium multiflorum Hybrids

Adenium multiflorum traits are dominant in its hybrids. The plants are erect with large roots, they bloom mostly in winter, and the flowers white or pink with darker edges. The other parent tends to reduce the floriferousness, so these hybrids are generally not superior to either parent. Consequently there are few named hybrids are they are rarely available commercially.

Photos by Mark Dimmitt unless otherwise noted

Above and two images at right: Adenium (multiflorum X obesum) 'Crimson Picotee'. The plant is extremely vigorous; this original seedling was 9 feet tall at 15 years. The flowers are beautiful and are borne year-round, but there are never very many at a time. A. multiflorum X obesum crosses are evergreen. Mark Dimmitt cross.
Above three images: Typical flowers resulting from Adenium multiflorum X obesum crosses by Mark Dimmitt.

Above and two to right: Adenium 'Winter Remedy' (A. multiflorum 'MAD #1' X A. swazicum 'Perpetual Pink'). The huge () flowers are borne in profusion from late fall to the end of winter. A Mark Dimmitt cross.

'Winter Remedy' in full bloom.

The roots of 'Winter Remedy' are truly gigantic. The original plant above is 13 years old and is breaking out of an 18-inch pot. Cuttings develop large roots in several years.


(click on thumbnail for full size picture)